
The Sleevenote format is based around square panels. Much like vinyl artwork


The tracklist panel has invisible buttons placed on it so tracks can be played directly from the artwork. An additional 18 booklet panels can be added.

The layout is dynamic between landscape devices (laptops, PCs, tablets in landscape orientation) and portrait devices (smartphones, tablets in portrait orientation). Logical panel re-ordering happens for landscape and portrait optimised for artwork and usability.


Sleevenote art should be of high quality, we moderate and approve artwork accordingly, we will be in touch and offer helpful advice (and design and layout services if required) to help you get the best looking artwork. To upload artwork and map tracks you use our Create a release tool.

Best practices for your tracklist image

Tracklist art featuring large areas for each track makes specific track selection easy for smaller devices however this is up to you. All player pages have a prominent "Play" link at the top which will start your album playing from track 1.


We encourage barcodes to be removed as these refer to specific physical formats, but if a barcode is intrinsic to the design it will be accepted.

Artwork specifications

Supply your artwork as 2000x2000px jpegs

All artwork needs to be supplied exactly square, chop up gatefold or continuous artwork into squares.

If you wish to or can only supply artwork at a different size, Sleevenote supports a minimum size of 1200x1200 pixels and a maximum size of 4200x4200 pixels.